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Is Gymnastics the Hardest Sport?

Posted on - 20th July 2022

For over a hundred years, gymnastics competitions have been held at the Olympics and other high-status sporting events across the world. However, despite the visibility of the sport, it has always existed in an uncomfortable place between ‘proper’ sport and art form in many peoples’ minds – somewhere between tennis and ballet. 

However, the truth is that gymnastics is a sport like any other. In fact, it might just very well be the most difficult sport out there. In this article, we’ll be going over the reasons why gymnastics might very well be the hardest sport out there. 

It Can Be Scary

Gymnastics can be dangerous. A gymnast could flip the wrong way and land on their face. Or they could fall off a high beam. Or they could experience any number of mishaps as part of their routine. As a result, gymnastics requires an incredible amount of bravery both during practice and at competitions – arguably a far greater amount than almost any other sport. It’s very difficult to conjure that amount of bravery, and to be able to do it consistently is a real skill in itself. 

The Training is Tougher Than Most

People should have fun doing gymnastics; because it is fun. But gymnastics training is also a long-term investment, and it involves doing some of the hardest athletic work imaginable. Gymnastics tests people in a way that they are rarely tested otherwise – even professional athletes or special forces soldiers rarely undergo this kind of long-term, high-intensity training. As a result, gymnasts should be celebrated for their ability to endure that level of training for long periods of time. 

Everyone is a Perfectionist 

The final reason why gymnastics shouldn’t be looked down upon as a sport – indeed,  why it’s harder than most sports – is because it requires absolute perfection in movement and execution. 

In football, failure to execute a pass perfectly doesn’t mean that you’ll lose the game; most of the time it just means that whoever you are passing the ball to just has to work a little bit harder. You’re not going to be disqualified in rugby for sticking your leg out at the wrong time. Nor do you risk a possible serious injury for landing wrong in basketball. All these things are possible in gymnastics, though. This is because gymnastics requires absolute perfection in both movement and execution – something which almost no other sport requires.  


Based on this article, you might be forgiven for thinking gymnastics is something akin to Special Forces training. It is difficult and demanding, but the truth is that while it is hard it’s also incredibly rewarding. Even if you never take part in competitions, completing and mastering a routine is a massive achievement, and the benefits that come with it (including regular exercise and the sense of community that comes with being on a team) aren’t to be barked at either. 

At Olympique, we offer a range of gymnastic leotards, including long sleeve leotards, ice skating dresses, and a wide range of other leotard designs. 

Contact us today for more information about our range of high-quality gymnastics leotards.