What do ice skaters wear?
Posted on - 5th May 2021
For anyone looking to take up ice skating, you may be wondering what skaters need to wear whilst on the ice?
As one of the leading suppliers of ice skating dresses, Olympique will be able to answer all of your questions in this blog.
How should I dress for practice?
In the past, women figure skaters have worn skating dresses or skating skirts and beige-colored figure skating tights for practice. Today it is more common to see skaters practicing in figure skating pants.
Why figure skating pants are great for skating practice
Most skaters prefer to wear black skating pants for practice, but other colored skating pants can work for practice. If the pants are considered warm enough, tights are not needed, but some skaters will use thin socks that fit comfortably inside figure skating boots.
Figure skating clothes should not be baggy
Additionally, figure skating pants that fit tightly around skaters' legs, shirts, and tops for ice skating practice need to be somewhat form-fitted. Special skating jackets are also popular plus yoga or running jackets.
Keep warm
Gloves are essential for ice skaters with the ones worn by figure skaters thin, inexpensive, and readily available.
Keep hair away from the face
Ponytails, buns, and braids are all acceptable methods for females to wear their hair when figure skating. This is one of the reasons some figures skaters prefer short hairstyles.
Leading Providers of Ice Skating Dresses
Olympique has been manufacturing leotards for over 20 years for dance, shows and festivals, gymnastics, skating dresses, and majorette sets, for individuals and clubs.
We have recently added product ranges in gymnastic, skating, and majorette garments and a number of vibrant and stylish materials.
Contact us for more information or if you have any questions, our team of specialists will be more than happy to help.